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Cowboy Hat Cleaning

Cowboy Hat Cleaning

Apr 13th 2020

Guide to Cowboy Hat Cleaning and Maintenance

Dirt, dust, sweat, mud, and wear and tear can happen to everyone and everything—even your favorite cowboy hat. A quality cowboy hat both protects you and makes you look amazing—and the perfect Western-style hat becomes an instantly loved part of your wardrobe for all occasions. Keeping your cowboy hat clean is an important step to extend the life of this favorite Western wear item. How do you clean your cowboy hat when it gets dirty from daily use? What if it gets stained by sweat or rain? How do you clean up your cowboy hat before you change styles for the season? This guide to cowboy hat cleaning and maintenance has step-by-step instructions for keeping your favorite hats in tip-top shape.

STEP 1: Determine the Hat Fabric Type

The products and cleaning methods you use depend on your cowboy hat material. In most cases, your hat should have a tag or printing on the band that states the hat material and how to care for it. If you don’t find a tag or the print has worn off, the most popular cowboy hat fabrics are:

STEP 2: Know How to Handle Your Hat

Once you've identified what material your cowboy hat is, you can then begin the process of setting up to clean it. Proper handling ensures your hat remains in good condition. Placing the hat on a hat stand—so the crown and brim are supported—or resting your hat on a clean, flat surface are the best ways to clean your hat. Remember, no matter what material, hat stand, or surface you use, avoid putting too much pressure on the crown and brim. We don't want to warp your hat!

STEP 3: Clean Your Hat

Follow these hat-cleaning tips for the most common cowboy hat materials.

How to Clean Fur-Based Felt or Wool Hats

To clean a cowboy hat made of fur-based felt or wool, the first step will be using a clean, soft bristle brush. Horsehair brushes or a hat brush made with natural fibers are recommended for cleaning felt and wool.

Going counterclockwise with your brush, begin at the crown and work your way to the brim and out. This loosens dust, dirt, debris, and other particles that your cowboy hat can gather every day.

If the inside of your cowboy hat's band has staining, a sprinkle of cornstarch or talcum powder can absorb the moisture and oils. Let the talcum or cornstarch sit for several hours before brushing away the excess.

If your hat is made from beaver, rabbit, or wild hare fur, keep this list of important do-nots in mind:

  • Do not use detergent.
  • Do not use water.
  • Do not use your washer.
  • Do not use your dryer.
  • Do not iron.

How to Clean Straw Hats

There's a slew of types of straw used in straw cowboy hats. The kind of straw your hat is made of will affect how you clean it. Refer to the tag to check if your straw hat can be cleaned with water. If it can be washed in water, use cold and very mild detergents. Do not place your straw hat in the washing machine or dryer.

If you don't have a tag or can't see any instructions, pay attention to how well-woven the straw is. Looser weaves are not as strong as those finely woven and may not stand up to water at all. If you aren't sure, avoiding water entirely may be your best bet.

Wipe away any surface dirt and debris. Low-level dirt can be tackled with a clean, dry cloth. Since straw is generally light in color, use an undyed cloth to make sure dye isn't transferred. Like the fur-felt or wool hat, a soft-bristled brush may be necessary to remove heavier soiling from the hat without getting it wet.

How to Clean Leather Hats

Leather or suede cowboy hats also need maintenance and cleaning to keep them looking great. Follow these steps to clean your leather hat:

  • Start with a soft-bristled hat brush when cleaning your cowboy hat. This loosens or removes a lot of the gathered dirt and dust.
  • Oily stains can be absorbed with talc or cornstarch. Let the powder rest for several hours so it can soak up the oil, then brush away any leftover powder.
  • Tanned leather that has started to dry out, crack, or become dull can be revived with a leather conditioner.
  • Generally, you should avoid using water to clean your leather hat—but if you have extremely heavy stains, a damp cloth can be used. Immediately dry your hat thoroughly after using water, and condition a tanned leather hat as soon as possible after cleaning.
  • Water, unfortunately, will almost always stain suede. If your suede hat is heavily stained and your cowboy hat brush can’t remove it, use a damp, dye-free, soft cloth. Then, immediately blot the damp area with a clean towel and hang your hat in a well-ventilated area to dry overnight. Do not use heat to speed drying as this can damage the hat.

Help your leather hat go longer between cleanings with these tips:

  • Avoid using hairspray, perfume, or cologne on your hair or head while wearing your leather cowboy hat. The alcohol used in these products will dry out and stain the hat. Allow any products in your hair or on your head to dry completely before putting on your hat.
  • Use a water repellent spray if you plan on wearing your leather, nubuck, or suede hat daily.

Quick Tips for Cowboy Hat Cleaning

  • When setting down or storing your hat, be sure to rest the hat upside-down on its crown. Placing the hat right-side-up puts pressure on the brim and can warp the overall shape of your hat.
  • When you take off your cowboy hat at the end of the day, turn the sweatband down before hanging it so it can dry thoroughly between uses. This can help prevent the build-up of hair products and can keep sweat from staining the felt.
  • A cowboy hat brush can be used daily to clean off dust and dirt to keep your hat in good shape.
  • Protect your hat from staining and water damage with a water-repellent spray.
  • If your hat is leather, use a conditioning cream often to keep it supple and looking new.
  • Remember that badges, pins, tape, and stick-on labels may mar the finish of your leather.
  • Cotton Western ball caps may be able to be washed in the washing machine, but always check care instructions before laundering.
  • If your cowboy hat can be washed with water or a damp cloth, use a hat rack or set it upside down to preserve the shape while it dries.
  • Never use direct heat while cleaning or drying your cowboy hat.
  • If you store your cowboy hat between uses, choose a dust-free, protected area or a hat storage can.

A little elbow grease, a great hat brush, and these hat cleaning tips will have your cowboy hat looking almost brand new! For more Western wear tips and advice, explore our blog.